MIUR, National Guidelines | Sarah Dominique Orlandi expert on new technology

MIUR, National Guidelines | Sarah Dominique Orlandi expert on new technology

  • Cognitive technology
Sarah Dominique Orlandi has been called upon as an expert on new technology by the focus group that revises national guidelines MIUR – Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy). At the center of the meeting were digital tools, seen as a support in teaching methods and as a transversal competence we mean to spread. […]
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Online Leonardo interactive demo

Online Leonardo interactive demo

  • Cognitive technology
Try the demo version online. This software is designed to be used with an interactive whiteboard. Some features are unavailable in this demo version. Play Demo For a complete presentation, take a look also at “the software in use” videos. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.creandocultura.it/leonardo/leonardo.swf” width=”950″ height=”700″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]
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Cognitive technology

Cognitive technology

  • Cognitive technology
Our project starts from the reflections on cognitive technologies that are “devices that can involve internal processes of the mind”. If new technologies will be integrated in a pedagogical and cultural planning, we would have new opportunities to expand technical design possibilities and especially didactic/cognitive objectives. “To start thinking constructively to information and communication technologies in […]
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EduOn – new educational practices for school

EduOn – new educational practices for school

  • Cognitive technology
A interdisciplinary project of experimentation and definition of new educational practices for school. A team of 50 designers with complementary skills has partnered for seven years to discuss and do research. The committee finished its work in 2015. EduOn Partners EduOn!Nuovi Media Strumenti e tecnologie cognitive open source Creando educational EduOn!Musica Fondazione Antonio Carlo Monzino EduOn!Arte […]
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