A multimedial storytelling for the valorisation of the Intangible Heritage of the Abegg silk museum (Lecco). A large-scale ethnographic research project to illustrate the social memory of the territory using today’s digital tools as a Web strategy. Online on 2016.
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A web app with contemporary graphics and a strong visual identity is available
- for multimedia guided tours in the Museum
- for schools and for the public on the
The project was presented at the conference General Conference ICOM International 2016
The intangible heritage of the Abegg Silk Museum In the Lecco area, until the late 1920s, silk production dominated the local economy and people’s lives. In order not to lose the life testimonies of the workers, now very old, the Liberi Sogni Cooperative and the Abegg Silk Museum undertook a project to recover and preserve the working memory of their territory. After careful ethnographic research, a team of historians interviewed the silk workers and searched the archives for documents and work songs of the time. The multimedia content created – interviews, historical documents, images, historical videos, songs, infographics – were divided into macro themes (the machines, the workers, silkworm breeding) to create a multimedia storytelling. A Web Strategy action for the enhancement of cultural heritage.
Lecco online.com / newsletter di Icom Italia
Project by: Zetalab, Cooperativa liberi sogni, Museo della seta Abegg. Founded by: Innovacultura. Sostegno all’innovazione dell’offerta culturale lombarda. Regione lombardia, Camere di Commercio lombarde e Fondazione Cariplo.